Community Liaison
Meet Your Community Liaison Leader

Get To Know Me
I have been part of the DLAMP family for 12 years. I was a former DLAMP parent and MPUSD student. I am deeply passionate about helping families and students, as it allows me to connect them to school and community resources.
Support services include:
- With guidance on improving daily attendance for students (truancy)
- Accessing communication platforms like ParentSquare & ParentVue, and admissions lottery
- With engagement opportunities: Family support workshops, School Site Council (SSC), English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC), open houses, and more
- By connecting them to school & community resources for those experiencing homelessness
- School and community resources
- Follow-ups with students who are facing challenges at school. (ex: new students, peer interactions, students wellness, etc.)
Mindy Cano
Community Liaison Leader
Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula
831-899-1100 Ext. 3197
1650 Sonoma Ave.
Seaside, CA 93955