NUTRition services
Students can bring their own breakfast/lunch or may purchase their meals in the school cafeteria. Students can bring money to school or parents can pay online via My School Bucks for school meals.
Breakfast is served from 7:30 to 7:50 am. Please be on time for breakfast. Students arriving after 7:50 am will not have time to get their food and eat without being late to class and so will not be served food. Buses are scheduled to drop off students by 7:40 am. If for some reason the bus is late, an exception will be made for bus students.
The USDA recently announced the new Nutrition Standards for the National School Breakfast And School Lunch Program. At the Dual Language Academy (and at MPUSD), we have implemented most of the changes already in the past few years, based on our commitment to following sound nutrition research and providing nourishing meals to students for lifelong wellness.
Some of these include:
- Whole grain bread, cereals, pasta and rice
- Fresh fruits and vegetables most days of the week
- Protein sources at breakfast to help stabilize hunger through the morning
- Chocolate Milk - Fat-Free High Fructose Corn Syrup eliminated and added sugar reduced to 4grams
- No Trans Fat (unless naturally occurring) in any foods or products
- Free & Reduced Meals Applications
- Breakfast & Lunch Menus
- Meal Prices
- Check cafeteria balances and purchases
- Receive low balance alerts
- Set up automatic payments