The Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula is Moving New Address Coming Soon - Still Accepting Applications

The Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula is Moving

New Address Coming Soon - Still Accepting Applications 

DLAMP English Flyer spanish flyer


The Dual Language Academy of the Monterey Peninsula will soon have a new address in the 2023-2024 school year. The campus, currently located at 225 Normandy Road in Seaside, will be moving to a new location at 1650 Sonoma Avenue in Seaside. The new school site is currently under renovation and will be ready for the upcoming school year to welcome students, families, teachers and staff.

DLAMP is home to 315 students in grades transitional kindergarten through 8th grade and is a two-way bilingual immersion program. The program allows students to develop dual language proficiency by receiving instruction in both English and Spanish in a linguistically balanced classroom that is typically composed of half native Spanish speakers and half English speakers.

The school currently has openings for new students in grades transitional kindergarten, and kindergarten through 5th grade. (NOTE: Grades transitional kindergarten - 1st do not require an entrance exam; students in grades 2nd - 8th are required to take an entrance exam to determine their level of Spanish. Currently grades 6th - 8th are full for the upcoming school year, but families are welcome to test their student and be added to a waitlist should space become available.


If you have interest, submit a form today:

The DLAMP Lobos believe in a bilingual and biliterate program that sees the whole individual in order to help them flourish in an interdependent and diverse world. Lobos are committed to creating an engaging and culturally relevant environment through rigorous instruction while building relationships with students and families to promote growth as a community.


Two-way bilingual immersion programs provide both sets of students with ample exposure to both the English and Spanish languages, one language at a time, allowing them to progress and attain academic excellence in both languages while gaining an appreciation for another culture and developing mastery of grade-level content standards.


Program participants and their families are expected to make a minimum commitment of six years (Kindergarten through 5th grade) to fully benefit from the two-way bilingual Immersion model.

Learn more or schedule a tour by contacting Mindy Cano, Bilingual Community Liaison Mindy Cano at 831.899.1100.